Dental Freezing: How it Works

Dental freezing, also known as local anesthesia, is a commonly used technique in dentistry to numb a specific area of the mouth during procedures such as fillings, extractions, and root canals. This method allows patients to undergo dental treatment without experiencing pain or discomfort.


In this article, Dawson Dental Hanover will cover everything from how dental freezing works, to why it’s beneficial. We’ll also discuss how you can cope with the aftereffects.

Keep reading to find out more!

Types of Dental Freezing

There are two main types of dental freezing: injection and topical. Injection anesthesia involves injecting a local anesthetic directly into the tissue around the tooth. This method numbs a larger area and is often used for more complex procedures. Topical anesthesia, on the other hand, involves applying a gel or solution to the gums to numb a smaller area. This method is typically used for minor procedures such as filling a cavity.

The most common type of injection anesthesia used in dentistry is lidocaine, which is a fast-acting and long-lasting anesthetic. Lidocaine works by blocking the nerve impulses that transmit pain sensations to the brain.


Dental freezing is a safe and effective way to manage pain during dental procedures. With the help of dental freezing, patients can feel comfortable and relaxed during their treatment, allowing for a more positive dental experience.

One of the benefits of dental freezing is that it allows patients to remain awake and alert during the procedure. This can be beneficial for both the patient and the dentist. Dental freezing also allows for more precise treatment, as the dentist can see and feel exactly where the anesthetic has taken effect.

It is important to note that dental freezing does not completely eliminate pain. Rather, it minimizes pain to a level where the patient can handle it. It is also important for patients to inform their dentist if they have any allergies or medical conditions that may affect the use of local anesthesia.

If you’re ready to take a look at our comprehensive dental services, you can check them out here. If you can imagine a dental treatment, we probably offer it!

Dental Anxiety & Freezing

Dental freezing can be a valuable tool for patients who experience dental anxiety. It allows patients to undergo dental procedures without experiencing pain or discomfort, which can help to alleviate the fear and anxiety that many people feel when visiting the dentist. Therefore, dental freezing can be a useful tool to alleviate dental anxiety by providing a more comfortable and controlled dental experience.

The use of dental freezing can provide a sense of control over the dental experience, which can greatly reduce the stress associated with dental visits. Additionally, because dental freezing allows patients to remain awake and alert during procedures, it can also help to increase their sense of involvement in the process and reduce feelings of helplessness. This can help patients to build trust in their dentist, and make them more likely to return for future dental appointments.

If you’re struggling with dental anxiety, give our article a read here. We cover the information and techniques you need to know to overcome your phobia and get a better smile!

How Long Does Dental Freezing Last?

The duration of dental freezing can vary depending on the type and amount of anesthetic used, as well as the procedure being performed. However, in general, the effects of dental freezing typically last for one to two hours. The most common type of injection anesthesia used in dentistry is lidocaine, which is a fast-acting and long-lasting anesthetic.

Although you can expect the effects of the anesthetic typically to last for one to two hours, it’s important to note that the effects of the anesthetic can vary from person to person. Remember, it is best to follow the dentist’s instructions for aftercare. And don’t forget to contact the dentist if there are any concerns about the duration of numbness or other side effects.

How to Get Rid of Dental Freezing

Although time is the only true remedy to the numbness of dental freezing, there are a few things you can try to speed up the recovery process. If you have a big speech or important date coming up and need movement in your lips fast– give these tips a try.

There are several ways to alleviate the numbness:

  1. Wait it out: The numbness caused by dental freezing will typically wear off within one to two hours.
  2. Heat application: Applying heat to the numb area can help increase blood flow and accelerate the absorption of the anesthetic. This can be done by using a warm compress or taking a warm shower.
  3. Massage: Gently massaging the numb area can also help increase blood flow and accelerate the absorption of the anesthetic.
  4. Avoid hard or crunchy foods: It is important to be careful with your mouth afterwards. Avoid eating hard or crunchy foods until the numbness wears off, to avoid biting your tongue or cheek.
  5. Inform your dentist: If the numbness persists for longer than expected or if you experience any other side effects, such as tingling or swelling, it’s important to contact your dentist for advice.

Note–if you are still experiencing numbness or discomfort hours after the procedure, you should contact your dentist. In rare cases, excessive numbness or tingling can be an indication of a more serious problem and requires attention.

In general, waiting it out and avoiding biting or injuring yourself while you are numb are the main ways to get rid of dental freezing. However, if the numbness persists or if you experience any unusual symptoms, it’s best to contact your dentist for further advice.

Make Your Next Visit With Dawson Dental Hanover More Comfortable

Dental freezing is a commonly used technique in dentistry that allows patients to have dental procedures with minimal pain. It allows for precise treatment, and the patient can stay awake and alert throughout the procedure, making it a safe and effective way to manage pain during dental procedures, and for these reasons, it is a preferred method in dental treatment.

Our team at Dawson Dental Hanover is proud to serve Hanover, Ontario and the surrounding GTA communities with premium dental services. We take great care to make the experience as simple, easy, and comfortable as possible. If you would like to discuss the use of dental freezing at your next appointment, give us a call at 1-877-947-8639. We are more than happy to answer any questions you might have regarding our comprehensive dental services.